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Valerie Fung-A-Ling

  • Tuesday, June 23, 2020
  • 1 Minute Read   

StaffPhoto_ValerieFungALingIn her role, Valerie Fung-A-Ling manages, directs and coordinates strategies that drive science-based nutrition education resource development and implementation in schools and communities. Through valued partnerships, she builds sustainable pathways and systems to deliver nutrition education, support food access programs and inform local school wellness policies.

A strong champion of nutrition education, she markets Dairy Council of California nutrition resources to drive awareness and implementation, leveraging her expertise and familiarity with the school environment. Valerie is passionate about connecting nutrition to today’s environment, adapting the organization’s science-based nutrition resources to 21st century learning skills to ensure educators are able to teach and empower students to have tools for good health and advocate for positive change through nutrition within their communities.

A mother of two, Valerie is proud of the work she manages on behalf of Dairy Council of California, a sentiment reinforced when she sees children make the food agricultural connection: understanding where food comes from, the journey of food to the table or school cafeteria, and the correlation between food choices and health impacts. Seeing her own two children grow up with the nutrition knowledge and tools to develop lifelong healthy eating habits, she knows firsthand the important life skill provided by nutrition education. 

Valerie earned a B.S. in nutrition and food science from the University of Alberta, Canada.   


If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have the safest way to health. —Hippocrates

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